Love Dental Studio

Branding Identity

Located in the heart of Washington, DC, Love Dental Studio is a newly opened family dentistry built on love, patience, and integrity. As they begin their journey, they seek to establish a strong brand identity that reflects their dedication to compassionate, high-quality dental care for families in the DC area.



Use North Carossela for all print headings, call-outs, and sub-headings. The North Carossela font has only type variation. The digital replacement font to use is Bodoni Moda.

Use Josefin Sans as another option for all print headings, call-outs, sub-headings and body copy. This font has many type variations, use the other font variations to create type visual hierarchy. This font can be used digitally as well. Another option for a legible font Poppins.


Color Palette

Color compliments, builds, and personalizes a logo, without dictating the full design. Use these colors individually or together.

Primary colors can be used in all designs, so long as adequate contrast is used in conjunctions with the logos.

Secondary colors should be used sparingly and as accents when additional contrast is needed.

Neutral color can be used as an additional background color when black or white do not provide the desired effect.

The full black or white logo can be used against any of the primary colors as a background.
